
In this episode, you will learn about how leveraging your social media in the tourism industry can help you to bring in more visitors from Brittany Gibson.
In her capacity at the Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce, Brittany is responsible for promoting Schuyler County’s tourism industry by creating and implementing tourism marketing and public relations programs. She is also responsible for developing and implementing programs to increase the visibility and credibility of the Chamber. Brittany serves on the Finger Lakes Regional Tourism Council Board of Directors, the Finger Lakes Tourism Alliance Marketing Committee, the Schuyler County Planning Board, and the Community Development Corporation Board of Directors. She volunteers her time serving as the coordinator of her family’s charity organization, Team Charlie.
Brittany’s areas of expertise include marketing, advertising, public relations, social media, and event planning. She is passionate about the Finger Lakes and is eager to see Schuyler County continue to grow – both in business and tourism.
What you’ll learn about in this episode:
- What sets the tourism industry in New York state apart from everywhere else
- How Brittany seeks out creativity through collaborating with surrounding counties
- Using social media & consumer email marketing to express creativity
- Why you need to assess which social media channels will work best for you & your business
- How Watkins Glen Chamber’s Instagram following recently exploded from around 400 to over a thousand in a matter of 1.5 months
- Why getting engagement from the locals is important when it comes to tourism
- Why Brittany loves helping small businesses leverage their partnership with the Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce
- Why you need to go out of your way to build relationships with people
- TALES – Tourism & Leadership Exchange Summit: the first ever tourism conference being hosted in Schuyler County
- Why it’s important that frontline staff & the community view tourism as a leadership role
- Three big events/things that the Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce are excited about this year
- Why Brittany loves to host travel bloggers/writers in Schuyler County (which she did with almost 50 bloggers/writers between May 1st – September 15th last year!)
Ways to contact Brittany:
- Website: www.watkinsglenchamber.com