
In our solocast episode of Destination on the Left, we share some exciting new content in an episode format we’ve never done before. Nicole Mahoney does an exclusive table read of her keynote speech about world-changing collaborations. During the podcast, She provides a refined perspective on the importance of collaboration in the travel and tourism industry. Collaboration will play a significant role in the recovery of our industry, and we compiled numerous conversations with other industry experts so we could share the overarching sentiment with you.
What You Will Learn:
Nicole’s keynote speech on world-changing collaboration
Why travel and tourism will bounce back stronger than ever
How we can master the art of collaboration to keep travel alive in the “new normal”
How to apply the 3 C’s of Collaboration framework
Why we need to have a collective vision to have a successful recovery
Examples of world-changing collaboration lived out by other travel and tourism professionals
How tourism marketers have leveraged digital media to collaborate
Collaboration During Economic Recovery
In our solocast episode of Destination on the Left, we share some exciting new content in an episode format we’ve never done before. Nicole Mahoney does an exclusive table read of her keynote speech about world-changing collaborations. During the podcast, She provides a refined perspective on the importance of collaboration in the travel and tourism industry. Collaboration will play a significant role in the economic recovery of our industry, and we compiled numerous conversations with other industry experts so we could share the overarching sentiment with you.
We Will Bounce Back Stronger Than Ever
For a long period after 9/11, people were afraid to fly, afraid to travel to big cities, and afraid to gather for large group events. Sounds familiar right? At the time it was hard to imagine the travel and tourism industry ever recovering from such a devastating impact. Through that world-shaking event, then the great recession, and now the global pandemic resulting from COVID-19, the travel industry has and will continue to prevail. It will bounce back stronger than ever, and sometimes we forget that—while history doesn’t always repeat itself—it often rhymes.
The Art of Collaboration
It is overwhelming to look at what has happened to our industry knowing there is no clear end in sight, but we are in this together. If we can master the art of collaboration, we will find new ways to keep travel and tourism alive in the “new normal” that awaits. Adversity creates pressure and urgency that stimulates creativity and brings out the best our minds have to offer. Never let that go to waste. Take advantage of the opportunity to band together with our industries brightest minds and lead the world out of this. Collaboration is truly an art, and by harnessing its power, we will come out better than before.
- Email: nicole@breaktheicemedia.com
- Website: www.destinationontheleft.com/summit
- Website: https://breaktheicemedia.com/
- Twitter: @Break_TheIce
- Facebook: @BreakTheIceMedia
Additional Resources:
- Strategy Meeting Agenda
- Book: Traction by Gino Wickman
- SWOT Analysis Worksheet
- Pros and Cons of WFH
- Communication: Creating World-Changing Collaborations
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