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9: How should DMOs Think About Accessibility?

Destination Marketing Podcast

with Destination Discourse,
Guest: Jake Steinman, TravelAbility

Episode Summary:
In this episode of Destination Discourse, Stuart and Adam welcome Jake Steinman, founder of TravelAbility, to delve into the importance of accessibility in destination marketing. They explore how DMOs can better prepare their destinations to be inclusive for travelers with disabilities, focusing on actionable strategies and industry insights.

Key Topics Covered:

 1. The Current State of Accessibility in Tourism:
Jake shares insights on how destinations can enhance their accessibility offerings, emphasizing the significance of creating landing pages dedicated to accessibility information.
 2. Understanding the Value of Accessibility:
The hosts discuss the business case for accessibility, including its impact on shoulder season travel and how it can disperse visitor traffic, promoting sustainability within destinations.
 3. Practical Steps for DMOs:
 • Developing partnerships with local disability organizations.
 • Highlighting accessible features in marketing materials.
 • Leveraging certification programs like those offered by IBCCES to ensure accommodations meet the needs of travelers with disabilities.
 4. Crowdsourcing Accessibility Information:
Jake highlights how DMOs can use feedback from visitors to enhance their accessibility features and maintain up-to-date resources.
 5. Innovative Tools and Resources:
Discussion on virtual tours and their role in pre-travel planning for travelers with various accessibility needs.


 • Accessibility is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic advantage.
 • By enhancing accessibility, destinations can improve visitor experiences and broaden their market appeal.
 • Effective communication and transparency about accessibility offerings are essential to building trust with travelers.

Make sure to check out this insightful episode to learn how your DMO can embrace accessibility to foster inclusivity and drive sustainable tourism.
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