
In this episode of the Suite Spot, we share a beginner’s guide for hoteliers live streaming on social media. Host Ryan Embree gives some ideas for topics hotels can use when going live, and best practices to keep in mind when recording.
Ryan talks through some of the different objectives for live streaming, such as educating, showcasing, or entertaining. He reveals some of the most creative live streaming ideas that he has seen in the industry and ways that you can tailor them to fit your hotel. He also discusses the best way to leverage the different audiences on each social media platform to secure bookings. This episode is a great blueprint for hoteliers looking to incorporate live streaming into their social media strategy.
If you are looking for more social media tips or learning about Travel Media Group’s social media solutions call or text us at 407-984-7455.
Suite Spot Podcast · 70 - Tips and Ideas for Hotels Going LIVE on Social Media
Episode Transcript
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Ryan Embree:
Welcome to Suite Spot where hoteliers check-in and we check out what's trending in hotel marketing. I'm your host, Ryan Embree. Hello everyone, welcome to the Suite Spot. This is your host, Ryan Embree. Welcome to episode number 70. We have a great episode, very excited to share this with you all today, we are going to be talking all about a - somewhat newer feature to the social media realm - but we know this has really picked up since the pandemic, so I thought it was important to have an episode on this and share for some of you out there - some hoteliers out there - that might be looking for some creative ways to connect and communicate to their travelers. So what we're going to be talking about today is live streaming. Now this is just a beginner course on really how to get started. We're going to have some tips and some ideas specific to the hotel industry and hotel world out there, that you might be able to adapt at your property.
Ryan Embree:
Let's talk about, first of all, what is live streaming, for those that are not familiar? The book definition is going live or live streaming refers to transmitting or receiving live video and audio coverage over the internet. As I mentioned, it has become increasingly popular with social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and now even LinkedIn, is adding that feature to its platform. As COVID-19 began to take hold live streaming became even more popular and businesses, including hotels, started to utilize it as a way to connect and communicate to consumers. So in today's episode, we're going to talk about some best practices for going live and even share some ideas that you might be able to adapt for your own at the property. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you're prepared and have a plan for your live stream. Once you press that start live button there is no turning back, so make sure you are prepared. First thing you want to consider is where am I going to record? Well, the ideal spot is a place with really strong internet connection. You don't want any sort of frozen or lagging in your video, that's definitely not going to help with engagement and follower views. The other thing is lighting, making sure that it's not too dark, not too bright. Making sure you're in a place with good sound quality, so an echo-y hotel lobby or a windy day outside might not be the ideal place to live stream. So definitely take some practice videos before actually going live to figure out what that video looks like and sounds like. If you really, really want to take your live stream to the next level, you could even look up some lapel microphones to help with that sound quality.
Ryan Embree:
You also want to consider the video angle.