
In this episode of the Suite Spot, we take a look at what it will take for hotels to accelerate their speed of recovery in 2021. Host Ryan Embree is joined by Travel Media Group’s Marketing Coordinator, Marissa Kinzel, to discuss and share ideas.
Ryan and Marissa start the episode by talking about how hoteliers can utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin to gain an edge over local competition. Next, they explain the role a hotel’s online reputation plays in recovery speed and how a strong online reputation impacts traveler booking decisions. They wrap up by discussing direct bookings and how TMG’s OneView™ can help manage and organize all guest content online.
To learn more about boosting your hotel’s pace of revenue recovery or to submit a question for future episodes, call or text 407-984-7455.
Suite Spot Podcast · 68 - Boosting Your Hotel's Speed to Recovery
Episode Transcript
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Ryan Embree:
Welcome to Suite Spot where hoteliers check in and we check out what's trending in hotel marketing. I'm your host, Ryan Embree. Hello everyone, this is Ryan Embree, host of the Suite Spot. Welcome to another episode and thank you for listening today. We have a excellent episode for you, themed all around boosting your hotel's speed to recovery. So right now, as we've turned the page to 2021, we are all looking for those little ways to gain advantage over our competitors and ways that we can really pick up the pace and accelerate our pace towards recovery. Now, there are a lot of factors out there, obviously, that are going to be presented as unknown to us: COVID vaccinations, COVID variants, but we are going to go ahead and make some positive assumptions today that we are on the right track to recovery. So I want to bring in our guest with me today to kind of talk through some of this stuff, Marissa Kinzel, Marketing Coordinator. You've been with us before on the Suite Spot, but I'm going to welcome you again to the Suite Spot.
Marissa Kinzel:
Thank you very much, Ryan. I'm glad to be back.
Ryan Embree:
Yeah, and we've got a great episode for you today. Obviously, at Travel Media Group, our expertise is in the hotel digital marketing space, that is the only vertical that we work with is hotels. So I thought what we do today, Marissa is really take it step-by-step and talk about a hotel's digital marketing strategy, and maybe ways that they can gain that competitive edge and again, boost speed to recovery. So let's go ahead and get started with social media. And I think the first thing that we really need to do as a hotelier is set some SMART social media goals for 2021. So obviously at the end of the day, social media, we have learned during this past year has been a great channel for us to communicate and connect with guests. The end goal, we always want to obviously see that revenue come from platforms and streams, like social media, but I think what hoteliers tend to forget is kind of that in between space there. So you've got social media and then you've got generating revenue. What do you need to do in between there? And I think in order to kind of boost that speed to recovery, the first thing you need to do is really set some SMART social media goals, because there's actually quite a number of things that you can set out to accomplish on your Facebook, your Instagram, your LinkedIn. One of those is follower count, maybe getting people to start following you and expanding that reach and audience. Another one is engagement, growth, we've all seen those posts on our feeds that say, "like and share this post" and see how many likes we can get, see how many shares that we can get, so there's different social media goals.
Marissa Kinzel: