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45 – Managing Through COVID-19

45 – Managing Through COVID-19

Suite Spot

with Travel Media Group & Ryan Embree,
In this episode of the Suite Spot, we discuss the COVID-19 crisis facing hoteliers around the globe today. Host Ryan Embree helps navigate these unprecedented times in the hospitality industry and shares words of encouragement on behalf of Travel Media Group. Ryan discusses the vital role that communication channels like social media and online review response will play in connecting to both current guests and future travelers during this time. This episode provides content ideas during the COVID-19 crisis and recommendations on how to repurpose your energy and staff if your hotel is experiencing a dip in occupancy. He also shares some quick tips on how hoteliers can begin to prepare for the eventual market recovery that will take place post-virus. If you would like to share your story through this difficult time or see if Travel Media Group can be of any type of assistance, reach out to us by phone or text at 407-984-7455. Episode Transcript Our podcast is produced as an audio resource. Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and human editing and may contain errors. Before republishing quotes, we ask that you reference the audio. Ryan Embree: Welcome to Suite Spot where hoteliers check in and we check out what's trending in hotel marketing. I'm your host Ryan Embree. So before we get started today, I want to share that all of us here at Travel Media Group understand what a difficult time this is for hoteliers. This is an unprecedented situation that we've never seen before. At Travel Media Group, we've been in the travel/hotel industry for 40 years. I'm sure a lot of our listeners and hoteliers have that much experience, sometimes even more experience than that, and we know how difficult this is. We've had many of our hotel partners, both that have worked with us and aren't currently working with us, reach out because this is a time where all of us need to come together as a community to help one another out. So I just wanted to, before we get started, kind of share that message with you from Travel Media Group. Ryan Embree: Hello everyone, welcome to another episode of the Suite Spot. This is your host Ryan Embree recording live from my new at home work office. I'm sure a lot of our listeners might be in different places, this past week has really been challenging and kind of turned a lot of our world's upside down with Coronavirus, COVID-19. So today's episode is really gonna center all around that. There are a lot of hoteliers out there, a lot of our hotel partners at Travel Media Group asking the questions of where do I start, when is this going to end, how is this going to impact the industry as a whole? Most importantly for you - how will this impact my business? And we are really at a point and a stage where every single room counts, every single percentage of occupancy - and that's not a place that we've been in this industry for a very long time. Ryan Embree: We were riding record highs on ADR, REVPAR, demand. And then all of a sudden we came to this complete stop. So we put this episode together just as a way to try to start to make sense, kind of, give some tips, some best practices on how to best handle this. As you know, this is the first time that we're going through this as a community, as an industry, as a whole. So with Travel Media Group's expertise in the digital marketing side, you know, we thought we'd get some great information and tips out there on how you can start connecting and communicating with your guests. And that's really where this all stems from is communication. Communication is key. You want to go ahead and create an action plan. If you could speak directly to your traveler, if you could convey a message to them or have a conversation which each one of your reservations for the next couple nights, what would you say to them? Ryan Embree: How would you assure them that your hotel is going to be safe?
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