
Today’s special episode of the Destination Marketing Podcast is a webinar hosted by the One West Tourism Alliance that Adam took part in alongside some familiar faces who you might have heard from on previous podcast episodes. Joining Adam on this webinar is Robb Wells from Visit Beaufort, Port Royal and the Sea Islands, Melea Hames from Visit North Alabama and Stuart Butler from Visit Myrtle Beach. Each panel member shares their successes with creating owned content for their respective destinations, whether it be podcasts, TV shows or other types of media.
Visit Beaufort, Port Royal and the Sea Islands
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The Destination Marketing Podcast is a part of the Destination Marketing Podcast Network. It is hosted by Adam Stoker and produced by Brand Revolt. If you are interested in any of Brand Revolt’s services, please email adam@thebrandrevolt.com or visit www.thebrandrevolt.com.
To learn more about the Destination Marketing Podcast network and to listen to our other shows, please visit www.thedmpn.com. If you are interested in joining the network, please email adam@thebrandrevolt.com.