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19: Oulu is Having a Moment | Oulussa on hetki

19: Oulu is Having a Moment | Oulussa on hetki

The Architects of Destination Advocacy

with Destinations International,
Today’s conversation and guest are unlike one you have ever heard on our show before and I am not just talking about the who, what, and where of the story (all of which are great!) but really understanding what “a good place to live is a good place to visit” means to a destination few of us have been. Something I know our guest hopes to change for us all!  Oulu, Finland is having a moment, and not just against the backdrop of the world which includes sharing a border with Russia, being recently accepted in NATO, or even a brand-new Prime minister, all of which we will discuss. But we’re talking about how Oulu is pushing sustainability, happiness, and warmth to its residents and visitors alike.  Please welcome to the show, Yrjötapio ”Y.t.” Kivisaari from Visit Oulu Visit Oulu, Finland Destinations International The Architects of Destination Advocacy Podcast is a part of the Destination Marketing Podcast Network. It is hosted by Andreas Weissenborn and produced by Relic. To learn more about the Destination Marketing Podcast Network and to listen to our other shows, please visit If you are interested in becoming a part of the network, please email
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