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264: Workplace Culture and The Birkman Assessment with Chad Kearns

Destination Marketing Podcast

with Brand Revolt,
On this week’s episode of The Destination Marketing Podcast, Adam takes the show on the road to the Destinations International Annual Convention. He is joined by Chad Kearns, Vice President and Lead Practitioner at Fired Up Culture, to talk about the importance of culture in organizations. They discuss how culture starts with relationships and communication - not just values displayed on a wall. They also touch on the Birkman Assessment, a tool used to identify workplace personality traits; they explore how utilizing the assessment can impact a company’s culture and why understanding individual team members’ needs is so important.

"Culture starts with relationships. How do we communicate with each other? How do we work with each other? How do we respect each other? What are the norms of the organization? Culture's not the values on a wall, it's how we treat each other." -Chad Kearns

Fired Up Culture
The Tourism Teacher

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