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For Visit Baltimore, the work of storytelling never ends. Charged with the task of attracting visitors to the city, challenges come from a negative narrative that can be amplified by media, entertainment, and social media.

The challenges don’t discourage the Visit Baltimore team, though. They are consistently inspired by visitors who fall in love with “Charm City” and share that they are surprised by its great neighborhoods, culinary options and the walkable waterway all within close proximity to hotels, says Al Hutchinson, president and CEO of Visit Baltimore.

Tourism and hospitality are the third-largest economic drivers of the region, following the Port of Baltimore and the healthcare industry, according to Hutchinson. In 2022, 27 million people visited Baltimore with 79 percent as return visitors. Visitation is now exceeding pre-pandemic numbers.

In 2023, 11% of overnight travelers who visit Baltimore did so to attend special events like Preakness, AFRAM, Pride Festival, Baltimore Jazz Festival, Vegan SoulFest, Flower Mart, ArtScape, and, of course, Orioles and Ravens games. In addition to the strong draw of sports, Baltimore has a rich Black history, too. The opening of the Thurgood Marshall Center will allow the city “to shine a spotlight on Baltimore’s leaders of civil rights and embrace African Americans contributions to our nation’s history,” says Hutchinson. In Baltimore, a “bop” is slang for a long walk. With Visit Baltimore’s free BoP Pass, visitors and residents alike can discover Baltimore’s Black museums, restaurants, shops and other cultural and historical attractions, gaining access to Black cultural attractions and businesses throughout the city. 

“It’s not enough to have world-class attractions if Baltimore isn’t top of mind as a visitor destination,” said Kirby Fowler, president and CEO of the Maryland Zoo. “Al and his team do a phenomenal job keeping us front and center by creating marketing and advertising opportunities no attraction can afford on its own. They also bring value to our visibility by amplifying new voices so Baltimore’s message is reflective of our full community.”

Read more (reporting by Kristi S. Halford,

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