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BooneWith the up front disclaimer that I simply didn't have the time to check out every DMO's plan for the Great are some of my favorite plays.

Boone County IN: "Get Mooned in Boone" was brilliant.

Irving TX: The Convention Center's Executive Chef Eduardo Alvarez and crew baked up the world's largest Moon Pie. 180 pounds. Five feet across. 128 eggs. 45 pounds of marshmallow cream. 60 pounds of chocolate. wish you were there yesterday.

Perry County MO: The hospitality community there can be commended for not gouging visitors seeking totality. According to this article on NBC News, the community held to everyday pricing (with the exception of the Holiday Inn Express, which said they could have gone higher, but didn't).

Whether their compassion for their visitors' wallets will translate into future visits...we'll just have to see.

Just a snapshot of the creativity we love about the sector we serve.

Y'all rock!

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